Make Recurring Income in our Partner Program: Earn 75% Commission on ClickBank


Referrals and Affiliates Program: Refer a homeschool group, school, church group, or friends and family and receive 75% commission from every sale. Write for details.

Hi Molly McGuire here!

I recently renamed this article and took out the words “Fast” and “Passive” after a discussion with my life long friend and art school mate who is looking to transition from a full time public art teacher and studio artist to something a little more “passive” for income.   I nearly choked!  There is nothing easy or passive about selling anything.  So I decided to rewrite this article with her in mind.

I have spent many hours trying just to help my friend filter through all the possibilities.  Mostly, her ideas are good… or were good 3 years ago.  You can’t just listen to a few really great pitches on YouTube and go with it.  You need to ask someone who has been through it. Unless of course, you’d like to waste a year of your life and thousands of dollars.  I can’t fast track my friend, but I can certainly help her try to seek her own path and consider her options based on her skills and background.   

I have learned quite a lot in my journey as a entrepreneur and Deb calls me an up and coming business women.  That is absolutely not how I see myself.  I see the brilliant women that I have worked with in corporate and I shutter to imagine how I sound sometimes in their world of politics.   But one thing I know now that I did not know years ago, I have determination and support.  If you have support and never give up on yourself, you will succeed.  There is no failing.  You just learn from your mistakes, correct them and move on.

That being said, this article is directed toward those who would like to make a little extra money selling our patterns as one of the below:

  1. Sewing Influencer with existing sewing audience on Social Media (Instagram or FB). Don’t even think about paying for Meta ads.  It’s outrageous and will take the shirt off your back if you do not know what you are doing.
  2. A Pattern Reviewer with an existing sewing audience.
  3. A sales affiliate who sells other offers on paid social media, Google, Bing, YouTube, Pinterest.
  4. A School, Church or Community Leader who may know a few people who sew.

Okay, if you have read the above, you have an audience of sewists, or simply would like to partner in a way that I have not imaged yet..please read on..

Fast and Safe to Set Up with ClickBank Platform

It takes approximately 1/2 an hour to set up the account with the ClickBank affiliate payment platform, then create the link, tell us your nickname to be white-listed, share link with friends, and receive 75% commission from every purchase from that link! It’s that simple! We will walk you through the steps, if needed.

Complete Details about our Company and the Offer

Write us at and/or go to the affiliate sales page which explains everything in great detail.  On the affiliate sales page there are Gdrive links to ad creatives such as; ad banners for websites, sales images, fashion images, and sample images.  Rules for advertising are simple and explained and must be adhered to.  But again, they are simple.

Sewing Influencers See Also the Bottom of This Page.

Step 1: Sign up with ClickBank

It’s easy and takes about a half hour.  If you are an individual US Citizen, you will fill out the income tax forms like you are a sole proprietor.  If you are a business owner, you’ll need your Tax ID numbers.  

What is great about ClickBank is they take care of the Sales Tax Nexus, which means that you do not have to learn about it or report sales tax.  They do it for you!

Alternatively, if you’d like to view our offer on ClickBank independently, it will take longer than asking us for the link.  First you’ll need to sign up for Clickbank and search for “Sewing Pattern Secrets” in the marketplace listings.

I do not benefit from you becoming an affiliate marketer on ClickBank, except if you sell our products.  Again, you get 75% of all sales off of your special affiliate link and we get 25%.  It’s as simple as that!

What is great about becoming a ClickBank Affiliate is this… you can send your audience any of the offers listed on the marketplace, not JUST Sewing Pattern Secrets.

Who is this Good for?

This partnership is great for friends and family and also great for sewing influencers and anyone with a sewing audience through sewing products and supplies like tools, machines and fabric, sewing service like tailoring or teaching, or non-competitive pattern companies like those specializing in tissue/traditional patterns like vintage patterns.  We do not sell tissue patterns or vintage.  This offer may also be great for crafters, DIY and to a lesser degree smaller niches within “fiber crafts”.

Step 2: Tell us Your Nickname

We then can connect regarding any extra assets you might need specific to your method of campaigning or sharing the link with friends.

Why Would I Do This?

Because it’s easy and its fast passive income.  If you have already people that you know might like it, it takes only a total of an hour to set up everything, including about a 1/2 hour of time with ClickBank and 1/2 hour with the email or image for Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. and get low lying fruit with passive work.  Why the heck not?

Then, if you put in even a little extra work with follow up emails and creative thought, you would get even more passive income.

Okay, How Much $$ are We Talkin' About Here?

Our Average Cart Value (ACV) is $85, but the maximum cart value is $187.85, which means you would get 75% of up to $187.85 which equals $140.89 per sale from your affiliate link.

So, if you have some friends and family, school or community to offer this and if you think $140 every so often might be a nice-to-have, this is good for you.

If you have a strong sewing/DIY/quilter/crafter type audience, this would definitely be a smart thing to do. Seriously, I can’t even imagine not taking us up on this.

But if you make too much money already and you don’t need any easy money, then okay, it’s your choice to not take the opportunity.

Step 3: Okay, I have an Affiliate Link, Now What Do I Do?

Friends and Family

Email or Text the Link

You can call, text, write and ask your family, friend, school staff, church members and church staff are interested.  It’s best to warm them up a bit.  So we suggest that you can schedule a call with us and I can do a Zoom with you and show you the product.  Write me at for a tour.

Then you can followup with an email which includes your personal affiliate link to our Video Commercial.  This is how you get paid.  They click that and have 30 days to purchase off of that fresh link.  If they want to buy after that, you should send a fresh link.

You can write a simple email to them, and include some images from our shared GDrive so they can see some things.

That’s pretty much it.  If they buy, you get a commission.

Share on Social Media with the Link

Banners that fit different social media platforms are located on the Gdrive, via the affiliate sales information page.

Simply put, you upload the banner ad to the post, and add the affiliate link to the Video Sales Letter on your post and that’s pretty much it.  You can repost a week later to make sure you’ve got everyone’s attention.

You can add advertising to your post if you’ve got your social media hooked up to pay ads.

You’ll get notifications when you get sales.


Social Media Influencers

Influencers, sewing machine vendors, fabric companies, basically anyone with a website or social media platform with a sewing/craft audience can email their lists or put our banner ad and your affiliate link on your sidebar to get passive income.

If you are a blogger, you could write an article about us and our product with links attached to the VSL.

If you have any questions at all, please contact margie at.


We are looking for sewing influencers and reviewers who would like to do quick Instagram videos showcasing our product, with their ClickBank hoplink on the post.

>>  See our article “Making Money Sewing or Crafting: Becoming an Entrepreneur”

>>  See our offer here. This offer would be attached to your hoplink, with the video.  The product sells itself.  All you need to do is share the link to people who sew or you think would like our product

Molly McGuire

Hi! My name is Molly McGuire, and my number one passion is sewing. In fact, I've dedicated my entire life to it. When I was a little girl, I used to love watching my grandma work on her sewing machine. She could make anything. She made all the clothes for the entire family, and it was so amazing! Today, I continue my grandma's legacy by making clothes for our extended family and teaching proper sewing techniques to our students. I get a great deal of satisfaction from teaching others. Once again, thank you for visiting my blog and please feel free to reach out to me! I would love to hear from you! Enjoy! Molly

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